Our Environment
At Pye Group we value our environment and work hard to ensure that our farming systems operate at an environmental level beyond what is required by compliance. We have an Environmental Compliance and Enhancement Manager who works closely with both the owners and farm teams to ensure we are actively managing consent conditions, implementing farm environment plans and achieving A grades in our environmental audits.
Together with our strategic fertiliser partner Ravensdown we have implemented a Proof of Placement Fertiliser System using technology to ensure spreading of fertiliser in the most efficient and accurate way. The system allows us to protect sensitive areas by creating buffer zones where fertiliser cannot be applied.
We also use Ravensdown’s Hawkeye programme which enables us to carefully record and monitor nitrogen and fertiliser applications across the season.
With most of our farms relying on irrigation it is vital that we use water efficiently. We do this by monitoring soil moisture content and on some properties using variable rate irrigation systems.